Madrid Protocol for International Trademark Registration

At Trade Developer & Protectors, we’re here to make global trademark protection straightforward. With the help of WIPO’s Madrid System, we offer a hassle-free way for both local and regional trademark owners to secure and manage their brand rights across different countries. Whether you run a small business or a big company, our aim is to ensure that your brand is always well-protected and recognized internationally. Join hands with Trade Developers & Protectors and simplify your global trademark journey.

What is the Madrid Protocol?

The Madrid Protocol lets trademark owners apply for their trademark in many countries at once with just one application. With this, you can handle your trademark in over 120 countries and regions easily, all through one simple application and payment method. People often just call this the “Madrid Protocol” because it’s the treaty that makes this all happen.

With more than 1.7 million trademarks on board, the Madrid System stands out as the go-to option for brands looking to register internationally.

Benefits of Madrid System:

The Madrid System streamlines international trademark registration, making it easier and more cost-effective for businesses to protect their brands in multiple countries. Benefits include centralized management, simplified renewal processes, and potential cost savings by filing a single application. This system offers flexibility, allowing brand owners to expand their protection as they enter new markets, all while maintaining a cohesive global brand strategy.

Efficient Trademark Protection:

Utilizing the Madrid System, we facilitate the process for businesses to seek trademark protection in multiple countries through a single application. This centralized approach simplifies the complexities often associated with international trademark registration.

Streamlined Application Process:

Our experienced team ensures a seamless application process, guiding clients through the intricacies of the Madrid Protocol. From initial filings to subsequent designations, we prioritize accuracy and efficiency in every step.

Cost-Effective Solutions:

By leveraging the Madrid System’s centralized administration, we offer cost-effective solutions for businesses aiming to expand their trademark protection across various jurisdictions. Our strategic approach maximizes coverage while optimizing budgetary considerations.

Dedicated Support:

Understanding the nuances of international trademark registration can be daunting. That’s where our dedicated team steps in, providing tailored guidance and unwavering support to navigate the Madrid System’s requirements with confidence.

Comprehensive Advisory:

Beyond application assistance, we offer comprehensive advisory services, ensuring clients are well-informed about their rights, obligations, and potential challenges within the Madrid System. Our proactive approach equips businesses to make informed decisions aligned with their global expansion goals.

Can I apply under the Madrid System?

To qualify for application, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Be a citizen of a country that is a member of the Madrid System.
  • Reside in a country that is a member of the Madrid System.
  • Operate an industrial or commercial business in a country that is a member of the Madrid System.

Why choose the Madrid System for my trademark application?

Using the Madrid System offers several advantages:

  • Apply for trademark protection in several countries in one go.
  • Save both time and money by not having to submit separate applications to each country.
  • Ensure your application meets the specific trademark laws of each chosen country.
  • No need to hire a local agent in each country initially.
  • Easily update details or renew your international trademark with a single request.
  • Expand your protection to more countries whenever you want.
  • Communicate with WIPO conveniently in English.

What to consider before applying

Before submitting an application via the Madrid System, it’s essential to ensure your application aligns with certain criteria:

  • Your application should stem from an existing trademark application or registration, often referred to as the foundational application/registration.
  • The trademark you’re registering internationally should match exactly with the one in your original application.
  • The listed owner for both the original and international applications must be identical.
  • The products or services specified in your application should be consistent with those covered in your original application.
  • If you have several identical trademarks, they can be grouped in one application, provided the trademarks and applicants remain consistent throughout.

How to manage your trade mark

Using the Madrid System, you have the flexibility to oversee your international trademark registration seamlessly. This means you can easily make updates, modifications, or even expand to more countries. If needed, you also have the option to cancel your trademark within this system.

Add a Country or Region

Expanding your brand to more countries or regions? No worries! With the Madrid System, you can easily add new countries or regions to your existing international trademark registration. This process is called “subsequent designation.”

Here's what you need to keep in mind:

Make sure you have a unique international registration number from WIPO for your application.
Remember, all the countries or regions you add will have the same renewal date, which is ten years from when you first filed.

How to add more countries or regions?

Simply go to WIPO’s online portal and use their E-subsequent designation service. Fill out the form, submit it, and you’ll get a confirmation on your screen and via email once it’s done.

Cancellation of your Trademark

When registering a trademark internationally, it’s initially based on a foundational application or registration. Making major changes to this trademark within five years can risk its international status. Any issues causing the foundational trademark’s rights to end will notify the overseeing organization, prompting adjustments to the international registration. For continued protection in specific areas, one can convert the international registration to a local application through a transformation request.

Steps involved in this process include:

  • Submitting a transformation request to the respective local office within a specified timeframe after the cancellation is noted by the overseeing body.
  • The effective date of your application will then align with the original international registration date.
  • For precise details on how to navigate this transformation in individual countries or regions, it’s advisable to reach out directly to the local trademark office for guidance.